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NM DWI Driving Habits

This recent analysis has some eye-opening (and truthfully, a bit scary) information. As we continue to try to keep New Mexico drivers vigilant, by being aware of what is happening with DWI, we also encourage our law enforcement agencies to do the same. A few points in the report:

On a typical NM weekend night, 155,871 drunk drivers are out on NM roads.

About 15% of NM drivers drive while impaired each year – that’s 224,065 drivers.

On average, in 2014, there is one DWI arrest for every 2,709 DWI trips.

On a given DWI trip, a drunk driver in 2014 is 43% less likely to be arrested compared to 1995, when police were more active against DWI.

By comparison, alcohol-related crash deaths declined 31% over that period.

Click for the complete analysis.  New Mexico DWI Driving Habits 2014