Workplace Training & Seminars

Workforce Training

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Training for Business Owners,  Supervisors and Managers – Reasonable Suspicion Certification Class offered on site.

Lunch and Learns – Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace,  Drug Free Workplace Improving Your Bottom Line, What Does  DWI Cost You? Staying Safe on the Roads, Medical Marijuana & You, Prescription Abuse.

Workplace Wellness programs

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Drug and alcohol abuse costs organizations billions of dollars each year in lost time, accidents, lawsuits and low productivity.
Drug and alcohol awareness training demonstrates your company’s commitment to a drug-free workplace. It can also help your company achieve its financial objectives in many ways including:

  • Improved identification of employee workplace substance abuse
  • Improved productivity
  • Decreased accidents and lost time

Reasonable Suspicion Training

Many Drug-Free Workplace policies incorporate a “Reasonable Suspicion” clause for drug-testing. However, many supervisors do not understand how to properly use the “reasonable suspicion” standard, how to properly document employee behavior, or how to properly identify signs of potential drug and alcohol use on the job. The Reasonable Suspicion training seminar is specifically designed to meet the U.S. Department of Transportation supervisory requirements for one hour of training on the signs and symptoms of alcohol use, and one hour of training on the signs and symptoms of drug abuse. Reasonable Suspicion Training includes:

  • The role of the supervisor
  • The observations a supervisor needs to make
  • The signs and symptoms of probable alcohol misuse
  • The signs and symptoms of probable drug use
  • How to approach an employee you reasonably-suspect of being impaired
  • Many Real-world “What if” Scenarios
  • Refusals to Test
  • When to Test and When NOT to Test
  • How to Conduct Testing

Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace Seminar

How does alcohol use affect your workplace? Do you think that alcohol use is not a significant factor in your workplace? If so, think again. Alcohol use has a huge impact on workplace productivity, attendance and employee turnover. Surprisingly, the workplaces most often affected by alcohol use are small to mid-sized employers, according to the Department of Labor. This seminar is specifically designed to guide supervisory personnel and provide training on the following:

  • The role of the supervisor
  • The observations a supervisor needs to make
  • The signs and symptoms of probable drug use and/or alcohol misuse
  • Medical marijuana and prescription drug abuse in the workplace
  • How to approach an employee you reasonably suspect of being impaired
  • Refusals to test
  • When to test and when NOT to test, as well as how to conduct testing

This seminar will also address what to do if you do not currently have a policy.

DWI & Alcohol Awareness Training

Although most New Mexicans agree that impaired driving is a significant social issue for our state, few business owners understand the impact that DWI has on their bottom line each year. Further, businesses can have significant impact on reducing DWI death and injury in New Mexico by adopting a zero tolerance policy for on-the-job substance use, as well as by fostering an alcohol-free culture at workplace events and parties. The first step toward understanding the impact that impaired driving has on your community, your business, and your workers is education. The DWI Resource Center provides comprehensive training on the effects of alcohol use, impaired driving, and DWI penalties. Our comprehensive training includes:

  • Understanding Blood Alcohol Content
  • Signs and symptoms of alcohol impairment
  • Overview of DWI death and injury in New Mexico
  • Cost of DWI to businesses and communities
  • DWI penalties and costs
  • Ways to reduce impaired driving